The Town of Sidney contracts out the collection of garbage and kitchen organics to Emterra Environmental.
For missed garbage reports, please call Emterra at 250-385-4399 (extension #0) and leave a message. Emterra staff will address the issue. Unless told otherwise, leave your garbage at the curb until it is collected at a later date.
For general inquiries regarding these services, you can reach out to the Town’s Engineering Department at 250-656-4502 or
Collection will take place on all Statutory Holidays except Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Items for garbage and kitchen organics waste collection must be placed curbside prior to 7:00 am on collection days.
Garbage Containers
The contract allows each dwelling one garbage can/bag with a maximum volume and weight of 80L and 20kg (44lbs).
The Town does not provide garbage containers – these can be purchased at local hardware stores.
Oversized cans are permitted, provided they are not filled beyond the maximum amounts.
Residents can put out additional cans/bags provided they have an extra volume sticker, which are available for purchase at Sidney Town Hall or Thrifty Foods Sidney for $7.50 each.
Kitchen Organics Containers
The contract allows each dwelling one kitchen organics container with a maximum volume of 60L.
Oversized containers are permitted, provided they are not filled beyond the maximum volume.
65L wheeled green curbside containers for kitchen organics collection can be purchased at Town Hall for $78.40 or can be purchased at local hardware stores.
Items in the container can be loose or contained in certified compostable bags or newspaper. Regular plastic or biodegradable bags are not acceptable.
Contact Information
Please contact Emterra at 250-385-4399 with any questions or concerns.
Please note: The Capital Regional District (CRD) has banned kitchen organics and yard waste from the Hartland Landfill. We therefore ask that you please ensure that such materials are not deposited in with the regular household garbage.
The Town’s Contractor, Emterra Environmental, is not required or expected to collect household garbage containing prohibited materials.
What Goes Where Search Tool
For additional options on how to dispose of household items, try the CRD’s “What Goes Where” tool, a searchable database of items and disposal options.
Refuse collection charges appear on utility bills, which are mailed out four times a year.
Information about collection rates can be found on the Refuse Collection Rates page.