There are many organizations and agencies in the Town of Sidney that depend on volunteer assistance. If you have time to spare and are willing and able to give back to your community, we encourage you to do so.
Below are just some of the organizations and agencies in Sidney that need volunteer assistance:
- Alzheimer Society of B.C.
- ArtsSea Community Arts Council
- Backpack Buddies
- BC Aviation Museum
- Beacon Community Services
- Canadian Blood Services
- Citizens on Patrol/Block Watch
- Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
- Cycling Without Age
- Greater Victoria Green Team
- Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
- Mary Winspear Centre
- Meet Your Street
- Navy League of Canada Cadet Corps
- Peninsula Celebrations Society
- Peninsula Emergency Measures Organization (PEMO)
- Peninsula Streams Society
- Saanich Peninsula Stroke Recovery Association
- Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea
- SHOAL Centre
- Sidney Lions Club
- Sannich Peninsula Lions Food Bank
- Sidney Museum and Archives
- Sidney Visitor Centre
- Sidney Volunteer Fire Department
- Victoria Cycling League
The Town also depends on citizen volunteers to serve on Committees, Commissions and Boards. Time commitments vary but typically volunteers are required to attend meetings once or twice a month. Vacancy notices are shared on our website and advertised in the local newspaper in the fall.