Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

Past Election Results

Official Election Results
Total ballots cast: 2,863
Voter Turnout:  27.5%

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

*Elected by acclamation


Office of Councillor (6 elected)

DILLER, Eric 1,300
DUCK, Steve 1,751
DUNCAN, Sara 2,140
GARNETT, Scott 1,814
McLENNAN, Cam 1,024
NOVEK, Richard 1,489
O’KEEFFE, Terri 2,155
PRICE, Steve 687
RINTOUL, Chad 2,093


Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

*Elected by acclamation


The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney official results from the municipal and school district election held on Saturday, October 20, 2018.  All offices are for a four-year term 2019-2022.  Of the 9,696 registered voters in Sidney, 4,692 cast ballots for a 48% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

McNEIL-SMITH, Cliff 3,740
PRICE, Steve 929


Office of Councillor (6 elected)

DUNCAN, Sara 3,072
FALLOT, Barbara 3,341
GARNETT, Scott 2,378
HAILEY, Melissa 1,615
LYNN, Greg 844
McLENNAN, Cam 1,394
O’KEEFFE, Terri 3,088
RINTOUL, Chad 2,794
TEMPLEMAN, Jordan 1,270
WAINWRIGHT, Peter 3,144
WELLER, Stephen 1,108


Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

*Elected by acclamation to School District No. 63.

The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney official results from the municipal and school district election held on Saturday, November 15, 2014.  All offices are for a four-year term 2015-2018.  Of the 9,018 registered voters in Sidney, 3,911 cast ballots for a 43% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

AMOS, Don 706
DUCK, Steve 674
MCNEIL-SMITH, Cliff 1180
PRICE, Steve 1312
SHEBIB, David 15


Office of Councillor (6 elected)

BARWICK, Mike 1063
BONGERS, Rosemarie (Romi) 817
BREMNER, Erin 2269
CHAD, Tim 1741
FALLOT, Barbara 2085
FEA, Sheilah 1475
HAILEY, Melissa 1378
JONES, Bob 1381
MCLENNAN, Cam  1543
PLINT, Colin  1169
WAINWRIGHT, Peter 2046


Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

COLLIER, Allan 1220
PRICE, Jason 1310
STANDEN, Jim 557



Are you in favour of a provincially funded study to investigate the feasibility, costs and implications of amalgamating the three municipalities of the Saanich peninsula?

YES 2566
NO 1232

The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney official results from the municipal and school board election held on Saturday, November 19, 2011.  All offices are for a three-year term 2011-2014.  Of the 9,379 eligible voters in Sidney, 2,928 cast ballots for a 31% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

CROSS, Larry 2,185
BARKER, Jack 704


Office of Councillor (6 elected)

PODMORE, Kenny 2,099
PRICE, Steve 1,943
LOVELESS, Marilyn 1,868
LOUGHER-GOODEY, Mervyn 1,747
CHAD, Tim 1,616
HAILEY, Melissa 1,347
WEAVER, Lois 1,060
BARWICK, Michael 1,055
CRISPIN, Garry 682


Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

Jane Husband* Elected by acclamation to School District No. 63.

The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney officialresults from the triennial municipal and school board election held on Saturday, November 15, 2008. All offices are for a three-year term commencing December 1, 2008. Of the 9,135 eligible voters in Sidney, 3,298 cast ballots for a 36% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

CROSS, Larry 1,807

Office of Councillor (6 elected)

PODMORE, Kenny 1,989
LOVELESS, Marilyn 1,970
LOUGHER-GOODEY, Mervyn 1,853
McNEIL-SMITH, Cliff 1,840
HUGHES, Jeannette 1,785
PRICE, Steve 1,762
CHAD, T.C. (Tim) 1,632
STALLARD, Graham 870
CRISPIN, Garry 746
CAMERON, Duncan 619

Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

Jane Husband

* Elected by acclamation to School District No. 63.

The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney official results from the municipal and school board election held on Saturday, November 19, 2005.All offices are for a three-year term 2005-2008. Of the 8,923 eligible voters in Sidney, 807 cast ballots for a 9% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

* AMOS, Don

Office of Councillor (6 elected)

* CHAD, T.C. (Tim)
* CRISPIN, Garry
* CROSS, Larry
* JONES, R.W. (Bob)
* LOVELESS, Marilyn

Election by voting was not required for the office of Mayor and Councillors as candidates were DECLARED ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION on October 24, 2005.

Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

HUSBAND, Jane 495
PLINT, Colin 268

OTHER VOTING – Panorama Recreation Centre

“Do you support a renovation of the Panorama Recreation Centre which will provide a new swimming pool to be financed by Capital Regional District debt, up to $2.58 million of which will be recovered by means of property taxes within the Town of Sidney?”
YES 508
NO 292

The following is a summary of the Town of Sidney official results from the municipal and school board election held on Saturday, November 16, 2002. All offices are for a three-year term 2002-2005. Of the 7,531 eligible voters in Sidney, 2,671 cast ballots for a 35% voter turnout.

Official Election Results

Office of Mayor (1 elected)

AMOS, Don 1,716
CURRIE, Bob 516
CAMPBELL, James 411

Office of Councillor (6 elected)

HUGHES, Jeannette 1,872
LOVELESS, Marilyn 1,793
WAINWRIGHT, Peter 1,693
CHAD, Thomas C. (Tim) 1,682
PLINT, Colin 1,665
JONES, R.W. (Bob) 1,522
McNALLY, John 1,329
BECHARD, James 1,259

Office of School Board Trustee (1 elected)

Peter Garnham

* Elected by acclamation to School District No. 63.