Annual remuneration for members of Council is paid in accordance with Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 2154. Council members are also able, if eligible, to participate in the Town’s extended benefits program.

Municipal Councils are elected to address the existing and future needs of their community by making collective decisions that are recorded in bylaws or resolutions. Each member of Council, including the Mayor, is entitled to one vote on matters that come before them for discussion and decision. There are a broad range of matters:  regulatory bylaws such as animal control, services such as fire and police, land use regulation such as zoning, fees and property tax bylaws, and key plans such as the Official Community Plan and five-year Financial Plan (budget).

The Mayor is the head and chief executive officer of the municipality. The Mayor has all the responsibilities of a Councillor plus a number of additional responsibilities. Under the Community Charter the Mayor must:

  • Provide leadership to Council including by recommending bylaws, resolutions and other measures that may assist in the peace, order and good governance of the municipality
  • Reflect the will of Council and carry out other duties on behalf of Council, such as attending ceremonies and meetings of other bodies
  • Communicate information to Council, for example from the chief administrative officer or from meetings with other bodies
  • Chair Council meetings, including overseeing their conduct, maintaining order and knowing the rules of governing meetings
  • Establish standing committees and appoint people to those committees
  • Provide, on behalf of Council, general direction to municipal officers about implementation of municipal policies, programs and other Council directions
  • Suspend municipal officers and employees if the mayor believes this is necessary, subject to confirmation by Council under section 151 of the Community Charter

Under the Community Charter a municipal Councillor must:

  • Consider the well-being and interests of the municipality and its community
  • Contribute to the development and evaluation of municipal policies and programs respecting its services and other activities
  • Participate in Council and committee meetings and contribute to decision making
  • Carry out other duties as assigned by the Council, such as heading committees or being the liaison to a particular neighbourhood in the municipality
  • Follow the rules in legislation, bylaws and Council policies that establish any additional duties and set how Council members exercise their authority


2024 Remuneration

Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith


Councillor Steve Duck


Councillor Sara Duncan


Councillor Scott Garnett


Councillor Richard Novek


Councillor Terri O’Keeffe


Councillor Chad Rintoul


More information regarding Council remuneration and expenses is available in the Town’s Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report.