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June 26, 2024

Town of Sidney Council Meeting Highlights: June 24, 2024

Sidney, BC

Highlights from regular Council meetings provide a brief summary of some items of broad public interest. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. Please refer to the Council Portal for the full agenda, minutes, and webcast.


Council adopts new Zoning Bylaw to guide future development

Following a Public Hearing, Sidney Council adopted a new Zoning Bylaw that ensures local development regulations are aligned with the Official Community Plan and also reflect the latest provincial housing legislation. As a result of Bill 44, the bylaw will open the door to increases in density in Sidney’s single-family-home neighbourhoods, with residential lots now permitted to have up to three or four dwelling units, depending on lot size. In alignment with the Official Community Plan, the new bylaw will also increase environmental protection in Environmentally Sensitive Areas and introduce a level of protection for the community’s rental housing stock.

Community members provided input on the draft Zoning Bylaw with approximately 350 people attending six in-person events held by the Town. The Zoning Bylaw will take effect on July 1st.

“The Town of Sidney continues to do its part to address the housing crisis in BC. The new Zoning Bylaw provides a variety of opportunities for future housing while ensuring Sidney continues to be a livable and complete community as it grows,” said Mayor McNeil-Smith.

Zoning Bylaw No. 2275              Video


Council gives BC Transit approval in principle to a transit hub in Sidney

Council has considered and given approval in principle to a proposed transit hub, including a future Rapid Bus stop, on Seventh Street near the Mary Winspear Centre. BC Transit plans to launch a public engagement process to refine the design and ensure potential impacts have been considered.

The Rapid Bus would provide faster and more frequent bus service along the Peninsula from the BC Ferries Terminal in Swartz Bay to downtown Victoria, and bus stops along the way. Improved public transportation has been identified as a priority in the Town’s Official Community Plan, Active Transportation Plan, and Climate Action Plan. If the proposal moves forward, the transit hub would likely be built within the next three-to-four years.

Sidney Transit Hub presentation by BC Transit                Video


Council approves 2023 Annual Report

Council has approved the Town of Sidney’s 2023 Annual Report, which provides an overview of the major achievements and significant projects completed during the past year, as well as detailed financial information. The report also looks at progress made toward the Town’s Strategic Plan, and goals for the year ahead. The report is available online and at Town Hall.

2023 Annual Report                   Video