Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

March 12, 2024

Town of Sidney Council Meeting Highlights: March 11, 2024

Sidney BC

Highlights from regular Council meetings provide a brief summary of some items of broad public interest. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. Please refer to the Council Portal for the full agenda, minutes, and webcast.

Community engagement on Zoning Bylaw update planned for April and May

Community members will be invited to learn and provide input on an updated Zoning Bylaw for Sidney through open houses and other engagement opportunities to be scheduled for late-April and early-May. The bylaw update will ensure zoning in Sidney reflects the current Official Community Plan, which was adopted in 2022 following extensive public engagement, as well as recent changes to Provincial housing legislation.

While the Provincial housing changes are mandatory, public input can help shape other aspects of the Zoning Bylaw, such as regulatory guidance around commercial and industrial development. The Zoning Bylaw must be updated by June 30th to meet a deadline set by the Province. Engagement dates will be shared when available through the local newspaper, as well as the Town’s website and social media channels.

Staff Report                  Video (1:36:00)


Council approves updated Strategic Plan

Following a two-week public review period, Council approved an updated 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Strategic planning is a process used to set key priorities for the municipality, above and beyond core operations. The plan is reviewed and updated on an annual basis by Council to update priorities as needed. The updated plan’s overarching goals relate to housing, environmental stewardship, infrastructure, community engagement, and organizational excellence.

Updated 2022-2026 Strategic Plan                     Video (17:58)


Upcoming study will model Town’s storm, sewer and water systems to reflect anticipated growth and climate change impacts

This year, an engineering consultant will be undertaking a utility study to model the Town’s utility performance for anticipated growth based on the recently updated Official Community Plan and new Provincial housing legislation. The study will look at the current and future capacity of the Town’s sanitary sewer, storm drain, and water main systems, and identify areas that may require upsizing to support increased housing density and mitigate anticipated climate change impacts.

The Town undertakes utility studies every 5-10 years as part of its asset management program. The last study was completed in 2018. Following a competitive process, BC-based engineering firm Kerr Wood Leidal were selected to undertake the study.

Staff Report                               Video (2:00:08)