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May 9, 2023

Town of Sidney Council Meeting Highlights: May 8, 2023

Sidney, BC.;

Highlights from regular Council meetings provide a brief summary of some items of broad public interest. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. Please refer to for the full agenda, minutes, and webcast.

Council makes key changes to Draft Active Transportation Plan

Council considered community feedback on Sidney’s Draft Active Transportation Plan, including more than 1,000 responses to a public survey and several hundred letters. The following items were removed from a list of priority items in the plan:

  • Protected bikes lanes along the downtown stretch of Fifth Street. (This will remain in the plan as a long-term item to be considered at a future date.)
  • Painted bike lanes along Bevan Avenue. (This will remain in the plan as a long-term item to be considered at a future date.)
  • Painted bike lanes along Mills Road. (This was fully removed from the plan.)
  • Construction of a sidewalk along the north side of Ardwell Avenue. (This item was modified. A sidewalk on the north side of Ardwell Avenue is now planned only for the vicinity of the bus stop near Simister Place with a goal of improving accessibility to public transit.)

Council made it a priority to develop a cycling boulevard along Bowerbank Road to serve as a north-south corridor, and also added plans to create painted bike lanes along Ocean Avenue to serve as an east-west corridor.

A revised Active Transportation Plan will be brought back to Council in June with a request for authorization to proceed with a final two-week public review period. Once the plan is finalized, staff will bring forward active transportation projects during the annual budget review process.

Council has indicated a willingness to consider an average annual investment of $1 million to advance the plan, including the construction of sidewalks, bike infrastructure, and crosswalks.

Staff Report
Video (42:50)

Council recommends changes to downtown parking stemming from 2022 study

After considering a 2022 parking study by WATT Consulting in March, Council asked staff to return with more information on some key recommendations and further parking analysis by the consultant. Having considered the additional information, Council directed staff to explore the possibility of piloting a residential parking permit for possible implementation in late 2024. At this time, a recommendation to pilot paid parking on Beacon Avenue is not being explored further.

Additional Parking Analysis
Video (3:22:10)

Council adopts Code of Conduct

In 2021, the Province amended the Community Charter to require municipalities to consider developing or updating a Code of Conduct at least once per Council term. Sidney Council opted to develop the Town’s first Code of Conduct Bylaw to maintain and safeguard the professionalism and respectful dialogue Council members currently uphold. Council members worked collaboratively to refine the Code of Conduct, which will serve as a guide to current and future Council members for undertaking their duties with integrity in a fair, honest, and open manner.
Council Code of Conduct
Video (3:08:05)

Media Contact:

Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith
Town of Sidney