The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has the authority to approve or deny development proposals on their lands. As outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Sidney and VAA, development proposals on airport lands within the boundaries of the Town of Sidney are referred to Sidney Council for review and comment.
As part of this process, Town staff review the referral and prepare a report to Council. Members of Council then consider the proposal and staff report at a Council meeting and prepare comments that are shared with the VAA for consideration.
2024 Referrals
2035 Beacon Avenue West
The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has forwarded a Development Referral to the Town of Sidney for the lease area located at 2035 Beacon Avenue West, at the south side of Beacon Avenue West between Galaran Road and McDonald Park Road.
The referral is for a new building and an addition to the existing boat manufacturing facility on the lands. The referral was presented to Sidney Council on November 25, 2024.
9785 Stirling Way
The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has forwarded a Development Referral to the Town of Sidney for the lease area located at 9785 Stirling Way, at the southwest corner of the intersection of Highway 17 and Beacon Avenue West.
The referral is for the development of a hotel and restaurant on the lands. The referral was first presented to Sidney Council at the September 12, 2022, Council meeting and was considered again at the September 26, 2022, Council meeting.
- September 26, 2022 Council Meeting Staff Report
- September 12, 2022 Council Meeting Staff Report
- Architectural plans
- Landscape plans
- Traffic study
2065 Beacon Avenue West
The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has forwarded a Development Referral to the Town of Sidney for the lease area located at 2065 Beacon Ave W, at the south side of Beacon Avenue West between Galaran Road and McDonald Park Road.
The referral is for the development of a self-storage warehouse on the lands. It was first presented to Sidney Council at the May 24, 2022 Council meeting and was considered again at the June 13, 2022 Council meeting.
9899 McDonald Park Road
The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has forwarded a Development Referral to the Town of Sidney for the property located at 9899 McDonald Park Road. The referral was first presented to Sidney Council at the April 26, 2021, Council meeting.
- April 26, 2021 Meeting – Staff Report to Council & Appendices A, B, C, G
- Appendix D – Traffic Study
- Appendix E – Plans
- Appendix F – Landscaping
May 10, 2021, Council Meeting Resolution
Town of Sidney Council considered this referral again at the May 10, 2021, Council meeting.
At the meeting, Council made the following resolution:
- That Council direct staff to reply to the Victoria Airport Authority recommending that the VAA not approve the development without first engaging with the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council and providing opportunities for public input, particularly engaging the Galaran neighbourhood.
- That Council recommends that approval of the Development Referral for the property at 9899 McDonald Park Road (York Realty) be subject to the following conditions:
- That the VAA be a partner in funding and take a leadership role in working with York Realty, the Town of Sidney, the District of North Saanich, and other stakeholders to ensure a roundabout is designed and constructed at the intersection of Beacon Avenue West and Galaran Road, and that Stirling Way is realigned, in accordance with the Beacon West Traffic study, and that the roundabout be designed and constructed in a way to easily adapt to a two-lane roundabout over time;
- That construction of the roundabout at Galaran Road be completed prior to the facility at 9899 McDonald Park Road becoming operational;
- That a construction management plan to address potential impacts of construction on the surrounding road network be approved by the VAA and followed by York Realty throughout construction, including traffic control, truck routes, site deliveries, trades parking, dust control, etc.
- That the VAA commit to taking a leadership role and be a funding partner in working with the Town of Sidney, the District of North Saanich, the Province, and other stakeholders, to address improvements at the Highway 17 and Beacon Avenue intersection;
- That frontage improvements for the development include drainage and a pedestrian sidewalk along all road frontages and vehicle parking on the frontage of Galaran Road, as identified in the Beacon West Traffic Study;
- That the location of site entrances/exits from Galaran Road be improved to better align with existing street intersections on the east side of Galaran Road;
- That the civil engineer retained by York Realty continue to communicate with the Town’s Engineering department regarding civil design and road and frontage improvements in order to resolve all issues prior to the issuance of a Building Permit by the VAA;
- That all telecommunication and electrical site servicing be installed underground; and,
- That the east elevation of the building design be revised to reduce its impact on the Galaran residential neighbourhood.
- Because this project is of significant interest to the community that we publish these recommendations prominently on our website.
- Because this project is of significant interest to the community that we issue a media release and place an advertisement in the Peninsula News Review with these recommendations.
- That the Town and VAA review the current MOU.
- That the Town send a copy of the recommendations regarding this referral to MP Elizabeth May, MLA Adam Olsen, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra, and BC. Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Rob Fleming.
- That the Mayor request a meeting with the two Town of Sidney nominees to the Victoria Airport Authority Board of Directors in order to discuss in detail Council’s recommendations pertaining to the York Realty development referral.