Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

Active Development Applications

This page contains information on active Development Permit (Major), Development Variance Permit, Zoning amendment and Official Community Plan amendment applications in Sidney.


Information on development referrals from the Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) can be found on the VAA Development Referral page.




2130 James White Boulevard West

Development Variance Permit application to reduce the minimum setback to Highway 17 and to increase the allowable area for a home based business located in a detached accessory building in order to legalize a detached accessory building.

10232 Summerset Place

Development Variance Permit application to relax the minimum natural boundary setback on the site in order to renovate an existing building on the property.

Application under review by staff.

2114 Beacon Avenue West

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application for a four-storey 136-unit multi-family residential development with underground parking.

9687 Eighth Street

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application to relax the minimum front yard setback to allow for an enclosed entryway addition.

Application under review by staff.

2499 Rothesay Avenue

Development Variance Permit application to relax the front and rear setbacks in order to legalize the siting of an existing single-family dwelling.

Application under review by staff.

9646 Fifth Street

Development Variance Permit application to permit a heat pump in an exterior side yard.

Application under review by staff.

9972 Third Street

Zoning Amendment, Development Permit, and Development Variance Permit application for a four-storey 75-unit multi-family development.

Application under review by staff.



Recently Completed Applications




Council Decision

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application for a four-storey 21-unit multi-family residential development with surface parking.

Development Permit approved by Council February 24, 2025.


Initial Development Variance Permit denied by Council December 2, 2024. Revised and resubmitted Development Variance Permit approved by Council February 24, 2025.

10473 Resthaven Drive

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application for a three-storey 9-unit townhouse development.

Approved by Council February 10, 2025.

A-2042 Melville Drive

Development Variance Permit application to permit an accessory structure in the front yard and to reduce the minimum accessory structure setback requirement.

Approved by Council February 10, 2025.

10440 Resthaven Drive

Development Variance Permit application to relax the maximum percentage of vehicle parking areas permitted in a front yard.

Approved by Council January 27, 2025.

10255 Resthaven Drive

Development Variance Permit application to relax the minimum building envelope dimensions and minimum setback requirements for two-single family dwellings.

Denied by Council December 16, 2024.

2242/2244 Harbour Road

Development Permit application for a new marine industrial development.

Approved by Council December 2, 2024.

2104 Colinwood Road

Development Variance Permit application to vary the Subdivision and Development Bylaw requirements in order to allow for overhead wiring rather than underground connections to a new residential development.

Approved by Council November 12, 2024.

2306 Beacon Avenue

Development Variance Permit to permit the installation of two roof signs.

Approved by Council October 28, 2024.

9667 Fifth Street

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application to construct an 8-unit townhouse development.

Approved by Council September 23, 2024.

2312 Orchard Avenue

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application for a 4-unit residential development.

Approved by Council September 23, 2024.

2461 Beacon Avenue

Development Variance Permit application to allow for more than one sign per building face, to allow for two fascia signs to exceed the maximum vertical dimension of 0.6 m, and to allow for a fascia sign to be located less than 2.1 m from the ground.

Approved by Council May 27, 2024.

10222/10224 Resthaven Drive

Development Variance Permit application to relax the required side yard setbacks in order to install two heat pumps.

Approved by Council April 22, 2024.

9535 Canora Road

Development Permit and Development Variance Permit applications for alterations to an existing neighbourhood commercial building.

Approved by Council March 25, 2024.

9522 Lochside Drive

Zoning Amendment and Development Permit application for a mixed use commercial/multi-unit residential development with 140.6 mcommercial space, 49 apartment dwellings, 48 townhouse dwellings, and surface and underground parking.

Approved by Council March 25, 2024.

2306 Grove Crescent

Development Variance Permit application to relax the minimum rear yard setback on the site from 9.85 m to 7.50 m.

Approved by Council March 11, 2024.

10214 Resthaven Drive

Development Variance Permit application to increase the maximum permitted height of a two-family dwelling, to increase the lot coverage, and to increase the maximum permitted number of storeys from 2.5 to 3.

Approved by Council March 11, 2024.

Development Permit and Zoning Amendment application for a 60-unit multi-family apartment building development with a mix of underground and above-ground parking.

Approved by Council January 22, 2024.