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Bowerbank Road Neighbourhood Bikeway

In 2025, the Town plans to create a north-south cycling corridor within Sidney by making Bowerbank Road safer for pedestrians and cyclists, especially youth heading to nearby schools and parks.

Rather than create bike lanes, which would involve the removal of on-street parking, the Town will be putting in two traffic diversions to lessen cut-through traffic on Bowerbank Road, while keeping the road open to two-way traffic.

This type of road design where vehicles and cyclists safely share the same lanes is called a neighbourhood bikeway. Following extensive public engagement with the community on Sidney’s first Active Transportation Plan in 2022 and 2023, the Bowerbank Road Neighbourhood Bikeway was selected by Council as a priority item in the plan.


The Bowerbank Road Neighbourhood Bikeway will involve two traffic diversions that will lessen traffic on Bowerbank Road and Siddall Road. Buses and cyclists will not be affected by these diversions.

Traffic Diversion near Ardwell Avenue and Piercy Avenue

Vehicles travelling northward will still be able to drive the full length of Bowerbank Road from Mills Road to Resthaven Drive, however, vehicles travelling southward will not be able to drive the full length of Bowerbank Road because of a diversion at Piercy Avenue. Instead, vehicles will need to take Ardwell Avenue to Resthaven Drive to complete their journey south. This diversion will reduce traffic on Bowerbank Road and make it safer for cyclists to share the road with vehicles. Traffic will flow freely in both directions on both sides of the diversion.

Traffic Diversion at Siddall Road and Mills Road Intersection

Vehicles heading north on Siddall Road must turn right onto Mills Road,  and will no longer be able to turn left toward Bowerbank Road. Mills Road traffic will continue to be able to travel east-west, but vehicles will no longer be able to turn south onto Siddall Road. This diversion will reduce traffic on both Bowerbank Road and Siddall Road, making it safer for cyclists to share the road with vehicles, especially students and families heading to and from Sidney Elementary School.

Additional Improvements:

Two additional projects will further support walking and cycling in the area.

Speed Humps on Melville Drive

Since Melville Drive is an important connector to North Saanich Middle School but does not have sidewalks or bike lanes, speed humps will be installed to slow the speed of vehicles on the road.

Paving of Pathway at Calvin Avenue

The wood-chip path connecting the Lochside Regional Trail to Calvin Avenue will be paved to make it accessible to mobility devices and more suitable for cyclists.

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