Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

Logo Redesign

In 2023, the Town of Sidney worked with community members and local graphic design company, FOE Creative, to update our corporate logo. Following two public surveys to help determine preferred imagery and design, Council approved a new logo on September 11th.

This design has been incorporated into advertisements, posters, and other Town communications products. Changing the Town of Sidney’s corporate logo will not affect the unique welcome signs in Sidney, nor our “Sidney by the Sea” tagline.


Previous Logo

While the former logo served us well, it presented accessibility challenges in terms of legibility: the script font was difficult to read and the light aqua-coloured tagline blended into the white background.

New Logo

Sidney’s new corporate logo uses an illustrative style that is both modern and rooted in Sidney’s coastal heritage. It features the Bevan Fishing Pier with the Salish Sea, Gulf Islands, Mount Baker, and the rising sun layered in the background. This design uses the imagery that was most popular with community members in community surveys.

For many, the Pier is emblematic of the connectedness Sidney community members feel to the ocean, offering a free and accessible way to travel 150m out onto the water. Construction of the Pier began in 1996 as a community-led initiative, funded through donations, grants, and Town contributions.

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