Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

Parking Concerns on Allbay Road

The Town of Sidney is working to address concerns related to parking along Allbay Road.

The residential street is often used for parking by workers on nearby Harbour Road and visitors to Roberts Bay Beach. Residents have expressed concern about vehicles parking on the road and municipal boulevard, which can reduce driving lane widths and damage landscaped areas. Without sidewalks along the street, there have also been safety concerns about pedestrians walking in traffic lanes.

There is limited parking on Harbour Road and limited available land to provide new employee parking on private or public property in this area.

Next Steps

Following a Committee of the Whole meeting to learn more about the issue from community members, Council passed the following resolution at a Council meeting on March 10:

That staff bring forward to Council a report on the implementation and costs of:

  • Installing “No Parking Between 8am and 4pm” signs on only one side of Allbay Road from Resthaven to Bowden
  • Installing “No Parking” (anytime) signs on the 2 curved sections on Allbay Road near Eden Place
  • Installing “15 min only” Parking signs at 2 parking spaces at the Bowden Road mailboxes
  • Installing time limited parking signs on one side of Bowden Road south of Allbay Road.

A staff report will come to Council at a future meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Town currently does not have any streets with parking restricted to residents only. The proposed parking pilot being considered by the Town is intended to help residents find parking near their homes when off-street parking is insufficient and street parking is in high demand. This has not been an issue on Allbay Road.

Harbour Road is too narrow to provide parking on both sides of the street. This would limit emergency vehicle access, as well as some of the larger vehicles associated with the marine industrial area. Parking on both sides of the street would also impede two-way traffic.

It is safest for parking to be on the north side of the road alongside the sidewalk. There is no sidewalk on the south side of the road or public space to accommodate a sidewalk.

Gravel is a permeable surface treatment, so it would result in less runoff into the receiving environment than a hardscaped solution such as concrete or asphalt. Any form of construction has the potential to generate sediment. If a gravel shoulder was added to Harbour Road, catch basin socks could be installed during construction in nearby catch basins to minimize the potential impact.

A resident would be required to obtain a right-of-way permit from the Town to undertake work on municipal property. After obtaining this permit, the resident would be responsible for covering the cost of this work and hiring a third-party contractor, if needed.

Creating a barrier of this kind would require additional study and engagement to understand implications for emergency vehicles and road users. While reducing vehicle traffic on a street without sidewalks may reduce the risk of conflict with pedestrians, a step of this nature would only be taken if there was a high need identified. During the development of the Town’s Active Transportation Plan with extensive public engagement, Allbay Road was not identified as a priority street for pedestrian safety improvements. It should also be noted that diverting traffic would still allow drivers to park along Allbay and walk to their destination.

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