The Town of Sidney is working to address concerns related to parking along Allbay Road.
The residential street is often used for parking by workers on nearby Harbour Road and visitors to Roberts Bay Beach. Residents have expressed concern about vehicles parking on the road and municipal boulevard, which can reduce driving lane widths and damage landscaped areas. Without sidewalks along the street, there have also been safety concerns about pedestrians walking in traffic lanes.
There is limited parking on Harbour Road and limited available land to provide new employee parking on private or public property in this area.
Next Steps
Following a Committee of the Whole meeting to learn more about the issue from community members, Council passed the following resolution at a Council meeting on March 10:
That staff bring forward to Council a report on the implementation and costs of:
- Installing “No Parking Between 8am and 4pm” signs on only one side of Allbay Road from Resthaven to Bowden
- Installing “No Parking” (anytime) signs on the 2 curved sections on Allbay Road near Eden Place
- Installing “15 min only” Parking signs at 2 parking spaces at the Bowden Road mailboxes
- Installing time limited parking signs on one side of Bowden Road south of Allbay Road.
A staff report will come to Council at a future meeting.