Canada Post Strike: Due to the current Canada Post strike, residents will not be receiving mailed reminder notices for outstanding tax or utility bills. You can check your balance by calling Town Hall at 250-656-1184, or online at: . Consider signing up for e-billing.   

Parking Concerns on Allbay Road

The Town of Sidney is working to address concerns related to parking along Allbay Road.

The residential street is often used for parking by workers on nearby Harbour Road and visitors to Roberts Bay Beach. Residents have expressed concern about vehicles parking on the road and municipal boulevard, which can reduce driving lane widths and damage landscaped areas. Without sidewalks along the street, there have also been safety concerns about pedestrians walking in traffic lanes.

There is limited parking on Harbour Road and limited available land to provide new employee parking on private or public property in this area.

Next Steps

To help alleviate these issues, Town staff are recommending the widening of gravel shoulders on both sides of Allbay Road (between Resthaven Drive and Jocelyn Place). One side of the road would be designated as ‘No Parking’. This approach would:

  • Reduce the risk of a vehicle damaging a landscaped boulevard;
  • Allow vehicles to park further off the travelled road surface; and
  • Create a safer space for pedestrians.

The map below shows the municipal property line where the widened gravel shoulder would be created (between Resthaven Drive and Jocelyn Place). Residents can view approximate property lines throughout Sidney using the publicly available SidneyMap here:

Aerial view of Allbay Road with property lines

Get Involved

Council has invited residents, workers, and business owners in the area to share their thoughts on the proposal at a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, March 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the Sidney Town Hall Council Chambers, 2440 Sidney Avenue.

Those who wish to provide input to Council can do so during the Public Participation opportunity at the start of the meeting. Those who are not able to attend the meeting in-person, but would like to provide comments to Council, may:

  1. Register to speak via Zoom (please register in advance by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting via email or call 250-656-1139); or
  2. Provide written submissions no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting by:
  • Email:
  • Mail: 2440 Sidney Avenue, Sidney BC, V8L 1Y7.
  • Drop box: Main front entrance at Town Hall, 2440 Sidney Avenue

All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda.


Staff Report: Allbay Road Parking Concerns (Regular Council Meeting, October 28, 2024)

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